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As many make the choice and are able to get vaccinated and receive their boosters, the Unity Eastern Region board continues to take into account the concerns relative to COVID-19. Guidelines continue to be revised and evaluated, but our priority and commitment remains the same – the safety and health of all! Due to our geographic area, 13 states and the District of Columbia, guidelines vary state by state; we will continue to monitor the situation closely and comply with all state and national guidelines.
Just as we did in 2020 and 2021, the Eastern Region continues to offer the services and events that we can in a safe manner, supporting our ministers and ministries. We are excited that our online offerings have been welcomed and well attended! We will continue to offer meaningful online events for all in our region and beyond.
Taking all of these factors into consideration, we are planning to offer some events in person during Spring 2022, specifically for our youth. No final decision on our 2022 Fall Conference has been reached at this time. We are committed to re-assess based on our priority of health and safety as we receive new data and make decisions accordingly. As we continue to re-evaluate our ability to sponsor in-person events throughout this year, we will communicate information and decisions effectively to all.
Please join us in affirming our ability to continue deepening our connections online, in-person, and via hybrid for our events. Our intention is to have the 2022 Eastern Region Fall Conference be the best one yet!
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