Consultant Services

The purpose of the Ministry Consultant is to be available to our member ministries and ministers to communicate information from the Region and from Unity Worldwide Ministries (UWM). The consultant supports, educates, and brings people together to share their gifts and ideas with each other and to be the first responder in times of need in the ministry. The Eastern Region Ministry Consultant also facilitates mentoring for new ministers in the region, Healing our Past/Creating our Future, Visioning, and Spiritual Gifts Workshops. The Ministry Consultant supports ministers and ministries as they move through the challenges of forming, growing and leading their communities.

As the Ministry Consultant for the Eastern Region I am the connecting link between the Eastern Region and Unity Worldwide Ministries. My role is two-fold. I am the Ministry Consultant as well as the Regional Representative. I am here to serve you and your ministry in any way that I can.

When would it benefit you to contact me?

  • When there is a question regarding policy either at the region level or the International Association level.
  • When the ministry is making a change in its spiritual leadership.
  • At the first sign of “dis-ease” in the ministry.
  • Any questions regarding ministry that the by-laws and/or policies do not address.
  • When the ministry is ready to build capacity for clarity, focus and intentionality (see training modules below).

In essence I am the front line “go to person” representing your ministry in the Eastern Region. I am the resource person. If I don’t have the answer, I will get it for you or
direct you to where it might be found.

Events and Services

Creating Dynamic, Thriving and Sustainable Ministries:

  • Module 1 – Essential Elements for Ministry (board training 1 & 2)
  • Module 2 – Creating conscious, effective, and accountable leadership teams and ministries (Vision, Mission and Core Values)
  • Module 3 – Culture Identification (what is living in your ministries DNA)

About Rev. Patricia Bessey

  • Ordained Unity Minister since 1996
  • Lead Minister at Unity of Greater Portland, Windham, Maine
  • Ministry Consultant for Unity Worldwide Ministries Eastern Region since 2010
  • Business and Life Coach
  • Leader of workshops on team-building, communications, vision/values, and leadership
  • Keynote speaker at numerous conferences
  • Certified Peace Worker with Unity Worldwide Ministries
  • 2015 Recipient of the Charles Fillmore Leadership Award
  • Rev. Pat resides in Casco, Maine with her husband Rev. LeRoy Lowell.



Rev. Patricia Bessey

Unity of Greater Portland
63 Ring Landing Rd
South Casco, Maine 04015
Cell:  757-636-8241
Work:  207-893-1233


Ministry Consultant Events

Aug 1
Aug 8
Aug 15
Aug 22
Aug 29
Sep 5
Sep 12
Sep 19
Sep 26
Oct 3

Consultant Questions

Use the form below to ask this consultant questions.