Es maestra licenciada con título en Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Distrital de Bogotá, Colombia, 2003. Ha sido instructora del programa de Mindfulness para niños y adultos en el área de Cape Cod por más de 4 años con la organización Calmer Choice. Liliana ha recibido las capacitaciones Mindfulness Fundamentals y Mindful Educator Essentials 2015, de la organización Mindful Schools, junto la Capacitación de instructores de Calmer Choice, Cape Cod Massachusetts, 2016-2017. Participó en el programa Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, MBSR, del Mindfulness Center de la Universidad de Massachusetts en el año 2020. Durante su tiempo de trabajo con la organización Calmer Choice, ha trabajado con cientos de niños de diferentes distritos escolares en el área, en los grados k-4 y con adultos durante 2020-2021. Actualmente lidera grupos de meditación semanal y también se ha convertido en mentora de nuevos instructores de mindfulness con la organización que trabaja.

Liliana nació en Colombia y ha vivido en los EE. UU. durante más de 10 años, convirtiéndose en ciudadana americana en el año 2017. Enseña y facilita clases y talleres de atención plena de forma regular compartiendo técnicas que aumentan una sensación de bienestar y conciencia espiritual.

Liliana is a licensed teacher with a degree in Educational Sciences from the District University of Bogota, Colombia, graduating class of 2003. She has been an instructor of the Calmer Choice mindfulness program for children and adults in the Cape Cod area- for over 4 years. She has received training from the Mindful Schools organization in Mindfulness Fundamentals and Mindful Educator Essentials in 2015, and the Instructor Training from Calmer Choice, Cape Cod Massachusetts, 2016-2017. More recently she participated in the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program, MBSR, from the Mindfulness Center of the University of Massachusetts, 2020. During her time working with the Calmer Choice organization, she has worked with hundreds of children from different School Districts in the area, grades k-4, and with adults during 2020-2021. She leads weekly sitting groups and recently became a mentor for new mindfulness instructors with Calmer Choice.

She is a native Spanish speaker from Colombia, living in the U.S for over 10 years, becoming a U.S citizen in 2017, teaching and facilitating mindfulness classes and workshops on a regular basis and sharing the techniques which increase a sense of well-being, joy and spiritual awareness.

Want to Know More About the 2021 Unity Eastern Region Virtual Conference?

The 2021 Eastern Region Virtual Conference invites you to build a new future together. Join us as we dive deep into what makes this ministry and movement unique, and how we can use that to reimagine community, and build a new paradigm from the ground up.