
Another Eastern Region Fall Conference has come and gone . . . and all indicators are that it was definitely ‘the best conference ever!’

We had over 135 participants at the beautiful Bolger Center and representation of over a third of our Eastern Region ministries as well as folks from Unity World Headquarters, Unity Worldwide Ministries, Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute and Silent Unity. We welcomed the new CEO of Unity World Headquarters Jim Blake as well as Rev. Donna Johnson, Rev. Deborah Frownfelter, Rev. Patricia Bass and Rev. Mark Fuss. They shared lots of great information with us about the programs and services being offered from ‘Big Unity’ and we are pleased to offer you links to their presentations to share with your congregations.

We received lots of great feedback from conference participants and the conference team as well as the Eastern Region Board of Trustees are reviewing this feedback and we will definitely be utilizing that information to plan our 2017 Eastern Region Fall Conference. We are already hard at work evaluating potential conference locations and presenters for our 2017 conference. As soon as we get dates, locations and more firmed up, we will be in touch with you. Please return to this space for updates as they occur. Many blessings,

Unity Worldwide Ministries Eastern Region
Board of Trustees

Unity Worldwide Ministries Presentation

Download Presentation (PPT)

Unity World Headquarters Presentation ~ Jim Blake

Download Presentation (PDF)