About Unity of Gaithersburg

Unity of Gaithersburgis an open-minded,accepting spiritual community thathonors all paths to God and helps people discover and live their spiritual potential and purpose

We believe that all people are created with sacard worth therefore, we recognize the impartance of saving all people seeking a safe place for spiritual growth.


Weekly services are held each Sunday at 9 nad 11AM

Meet the Minister


Unity of Gaithersburg was thrilled to welcome jennifer as their minister in 2012 Licensed nad ordained as a Unirty minister

since 2006, jennifer has been actively studying on the spiritual aducation path for over 20 year.

Unity of Gaithersburgis an open-minded,accepting spiritual community thathonors all paths to God and helps pe

ople discover and live their spiritual potential and purpose

We believe that all people are created with sacard worth therefore, we recognize the impartance of saving all people seeking a safe place for spiritual growth.

Unity of Gaithersburgis an open-minded,accepting spiritual community thathonors all paths to God and helps people discover and live their spiritual potential and purpose

We believe that all people are created with sacard worth therefore, we recognize the impartance of saving all people seeking a safe place for spiritual growth.

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Holy, Holy, Holy | Easter Sunday 2015

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